To elaborate…

I make a meme saying that the losers of the Brexit vote were oppression, tyranny, destruction, Satan and Obama. Many will know what I meant, but just to clarify:

Imagine you live in a rural area. Late one night, your dog starts barking as though something is wrong. You get up, look around, and don’t see anything. The next day, you see that your garden has been munched, and there are deer tracks about. Or your trash cans are spilled, and there are raccoon tracks about. You know that the animal came by in the night.

So if you see a common thread occurring in events and countries around the world, you can strongly suspect that there is a concerted plan behind it. I do -not- want to get into the details of various conspiracy theories, or this post would be 30,000 words long, at least. Here are a few of my thoughts regarding them though: Infiltration and profit, probably both. One way to make conspiracy theories look outrageous is to infiltrate the movement, make stupid exaggerated claims, thus damaging the credibility of all conspiracy theories. Others make a bit of monetary profit by selling fear in the form of expensive books, and now, health related items. Heck, why not do both? Who needs to be part of drug smuggling operations when you can print perfectly legal books, while discrediting your opponents? Is that my own theory? No, just speculation.

Anyway, another thought is that there isn’t necessarily one_single_conspiracy. There are a number of players, with different motives. At a level above those players, the individual motives can be used for the meta end goal. Financial players can be used or allowed to reward some, hinder others, and destroy an economy, making people accept alternatives.

Look at the destruction of morality in Western countries. Did you know that a couple weeks ago certain forms of bestiality were legalized in Canada? President Obama is forcing school districts across the country to implement pervy bathrooms and showers. Reading certain Bible passages in public is hate speech in Canada. Notice that the same agenda is in all the western countries.  Hollywood and the American entertainment industry export all manner of immorality.Western news agencies march in lockstep to the same progressive narrative.legacy2              An urgent expression made with $2 paint pen.

Those are the tracks you saw in the morning. I say the meta player is Satan, and that he doesn’t appreciate dissent. I doubt we’ve heard the end of the negative Brexit consequences. It looks as though this agenda is (was?) moving at a faster pace that in decades past. Then I thought about the Bible verse where Jesus said “Except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved.” Maybe this correlates to an accelerated time line?

Here’s another thing I was thinking about while half asleep: You’ve no doubt heard the saying “That which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger”? What about linking that idea with the Bible verse that says “Resist the devil, and he will flee you”. See, the minute he realizes that you -can- resist, he knows that he is likely strengthening your resolve.

Brexit, it IS a big deal…

From what I understand, even though British voters approved the exit from the EU, it still must pass their Parliament. Here’s a link to an infographic and article which talks about other countries in the EU who were made to vote over till they got it “right”. Go see it, it’s good.

That said, this might be real. If so, I would be amazed and joyful about being wrong in the last post. This is a really big deal, as the trend is for governments to get bigger and freedom to diminish.Brexitit would also be nice if this was the catalyst for dismantling other oppressive organizations. June 22nd is the anniversary of Operation Barbarossa, the attempted invasion of Russia by Nazi Germany. Somebody over there made a bumper sticker which was lewd, I thought that rather than complain, I would make a revision, it looks like this:B_sticker3You can get the original vector file for free here:

Free Vector File

I’ve got a ‘ton’ of other projects going on, some will even be posted online, including a video of our home Bible study method. I’ve been up till this late hour (3:30 am) learning to edit the video with my new software from Freemora. I have the paid version, and so far, I’m quite pleased with it. The regular price is not bad, but I used the trial version, and didn’t respond to the questions asking if I wanted to get the paid version. Several days later, they sent an off with a STEEP discount. I bought it, and it seems to work well.

Brexit…nice idea, but…

Last minute prediction; I wish the Brexit would pass, but I doubt it will. That would truly be a bright spot in an otherwise bleak political and spiritual landscape. My reasoning is that this isn’t merely a political issue, it’s supernatural as well. Satan doesn’t want smaller government; he wants to force his filthy destructive agenda on the entire earth, and consolidated government is part of the plan.

Consider these two things: First,  it’s being allowed to come to a vote on the chance that it will fail. If the vote actually is in favor of exit, then TPTB will lie about the votes, or declare the whole process unconstitutional. They’re just hoping it will fail, then it’s easier to maintain the illusion of self governance. Second, if it fails, there’s probably an element of defeat that sets in, and it serves them better. At any rate, exit cannot be tolerated. I see people continually looking at current issues through their own rationality and morality, as though since we can prove the other side wrong, we just need to inform more people, get the right people in office, so on. The problem is, the opposition has no regard for what’s right or rational, none. They could publicly lose any and all debates on any topic, it doesn’t matter, we’re doing it this way. I guess they’re letting people think they have some autonomy, right up until they have total control of the food supply?

I’m not saying there is no hope, but that without knowing what went wrong, things cannot be fixed. I ‘m working on a static page and message that talks about what I think the problem is, I’ll post the information here as soon as possible.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I had an interesting thought the other day, it might be easy to disprove. I think that the way President Obama defends Islam, it’s obvious he’s Muslim, probably Sunni, same as ISIS and Saudi Arabia. It’s also obvious he wants to destroy this country; he’s doubled the national debt in two terms, everything that took 200 plus years to amass, he doubled in 8. He leaves borders open, he brings in Muslim immigrants, he demands that little kids be taught perversion. He wants to destroy America.

So put the two together…Does he consider his greatest legacy to be the Martyr In Chief? If he got us into an actual nuclear war, would he care? That’s a lot bigger bang than a bomb vest. On the other hand, ending America would end the exportation of Hollywood filth, and the empire’s efforts to dominate the world. Interesting thought though. I do think he feels dissed by the Russians, they keep making him look bad. Remember the sly deal they arranged regarding Syria’s WMD’s? Or how they ended the nonsense fighting in Syria with a defined attack on all terrorists? You can tell bHo is playing catch up, by the way the US is now attacking ISIS. They originally went there to overthrow Assad, but now people like Russia’s approach better, so bHo has tried to get some of the good publicity for himself. Here’s the problem, if he feels he hasn’t exacted enough revenge before leaving office, he might do something deadly. Remember, I think it’s obvious that he really does not care about America’s well being.


One reason posts here have been slim is that I’ve been making posts at one of my other blogs, called the restoration. Tonight I made a post about a budget sheet metal bender, sort of like a brake.

Here’s a few pictures of me heating and bending steel from 1929 to make brackets.

bracket_3bracket_2There are a lot of projects going on, and posted there. Drop in and have a look.

Here’s a cleaned up axle housing from a 1951 Chevrolet 2 ton truck.


Credit where it’s due, &…

There is a blog I’ve been visiting, called Weapons man. A frequent participant there goes by the name Kirk. He does not operate by the same morality that I do, to put it mildly. Still, he is very intelligent and articulate. On a recent discussion, he was saying that he wonders if women in western countries really didn’t want all the freedoms they were given, that they really want men to put them in their place. He thinks it was a mistake to grant that freedom without the attendant responsibilities, that Christianity is sitting on its behind, and that Western women are attracted to Muslim men because they want someone who maintains a domineering role over women, and that young men will be attracted to Islam for that reason.

I didn’t have enough evidence to prove him right or wrong, but I offered some related ideas. I said that it’s more like Christians are in confused disarray. Remember the likes of Francis Schaeffer, James Dobson, and Chuck Colson among many who were very involved in cultural activism. The Defense Of Marriage Act was carefully crafted and passed, which was later disregarded by the wretch Eric Holder.

I wondered if young men are rather attracted to their virtual girlfriends, and would pass on the responsibilities of marriage, regardless of religion. I also noted that the problem with the original post and his ideas are that they’re too rational. The adversary is known as “The Father of Lies” and as such, truth is only useful for manipulation, otherwise, it’s an annoyance. I also made mention of my perception that America offended God in the early 1960’s, and we fell apart when we lost His restraint against evil.

It was late, and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I thought, man, what have you done? Anyone there could have replied with “So, you think that rationality is the problem? Why gee, the solution must lie in something completely IRRATIONAL. Hooray for the resident religious nut!” They could have also torn into me about my analysis of history. But they didn’t, in fact Kirk simply clarified and reiterated his position. I was impressed in a big way.

Of course I was able to rest easy because I also formulated a reply to the criticism I imagined was forthcoming. I would say Look, your rationality is the same as the Christian activism; it will be ignored. Without God’s help, all our efforts are ineffective. I’ll leave the history reply for another time. I still do some political activism, just to try and slow down the opposition.

As for ineffective, I’ve wondered about mankind as a whole. Can it be said that mankind is crippled, that it’s indicative of our point in history? That is, if change must come by a large part of society wanting change, but that number is too low, is mankind crippled? It’s like that old saying: “If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.” I always took that to mean being duped, and I suppose that’s the final result, but what I’m contemplating now is that if you don’t stand for anything, then you won’t be offended by anything, and your resistance will be nonexistent.

Maybe we’re calloused by all the immorality we see. One of the reasons we don’t like our children watching violence is that they will be desensitized to it. Think too about p0rnography crippling mankind as a whole. Such a large percentage of society addicted to something that distorts reality in the mind. Can mankind recover from these things? People rail against God by asking why He doesn’t fix this or that. First off, he won’t come and selectively fix things. Those peoples’ lives will be scrutinized in a big way. Second, if the world is like a story, with a beginning, a middle and an end; by intervening, God might be prolonging the misery here. Will God allow mankind to continue in such a crippled state?

Did I mention politics? Shall we refer to the Clintons as Team Billery? We haven’t heard much about her opponents getting so depressed that the ended their own lives. But that’s probably because it’s election time. If she becomes president, she’ll be swamped with matters to tend to. “Bill, you handle the economy, I’ll attend to this backlog of detractors.” It’ll be so frequent that we’ll have to start Vince Alerts, for all the casualties. “Caution! There have been two fatal incidents in district A in the last 24 hours. All Clinton critics in that district take necessary precautions!”

The prior weekend was a busy one, lots of restoration projects going on. I have a blog dedicated to that purpose, you can see the latest post here: Busy Weekend. At the end of the day God gave us another one of our ‘greatest cloud shows on earth’. Here are some pictures.

The first and second picture are facing south. Notice the straight shadow cast in the second picture.5_1_16sky_15_1_16sky_2The next picture is facing southeast, and the 4th picture is facing east, opposite the sunset.5_1_16sky_45_1_16sky10The 5th picture is facing southwest, and the last picture is facing west, the show was over at that time.5_1_16sky_115_1_16sky_12


Pictures and random

I saw an old letterpress printer in a basement a few weeks ago. I always wanted one of those, until I realized that they weigh 2 or 3 thousand pounds. I thought they were rare, but they’re not. This one has a cabinet with thin drawers. The owner had only looked in the top drawer. Since I had my camera, I decided to get pictures of the letters in the other drawers. He was quite surprised when I found company logos for local businesses, including one for a chain of stores owned by a local celebrity of sorts. His name was Cas Walker, he was known by all, liked by many disliked by some.Cas_WalkerJacksLetterp_1PickellI ran out of gas in the rough part of town. I went in and paid for the fuel, and when I got back to the pump, it looked like an operation run by progressives. Here’s your freedom of choice!GasPumpSpeaking of freedom, who wants to bet that the LGBT crowd will settle for having access to whatever bathroom they want? Women who use the bathrooms will retreat to the privacy of the stalls, which will not be tolerated. No! You must see us! You must know that we’re here! Down with stall walls NOW!

Your grandparents would have been shocked in their day, and rightly so. I still am, it’s surreal. America really has become a sewer. And it will get worse. We lost God’s restraint, and now we’re like the old piano in the barn.OldpianoSpeaking of changes, who likes the way women in America sound these days? I don’t mean what they say, but -how- they say it. I loath that short -a- sound, like rat, fat, mat, and sat. In fact, I’ll call the sound quack. Or duck. I wonder if one could find an old Donald Duck cartoon and see if he was the trend setter here, a little ahead of his time. Speaking of trend setters, has anyone here seen the episode of the Andy Griffith Show where Earnest T. bass is courting Charlene Darling? He’s out there at night trying to serenade her while singing and keeping rhythm on a empty square tin can. I don’t know much at all about contemporary music, but I tell you, he’s the father of Rap Music. Check it out for yourself.

Here’s a funny sticker I saw on the back of a pickup.MyDrivingYou’ve no doubt heard the disclaimer: “The names have been changed…” well here’s a close telling of what I heard on NPR the other day, see if you can tell what’s been changed. A white man is sending his daughter to a mixed race school. He tells her that when she gets there, to look around for other white kids. “Those are your people” he tells her.

So what if someone did this with news reports or op-ed pieces about international affairs? Change the names of the countries. “The Chinese were practicing military drills today, 300 yards from the US southern border…” The Chinese have provided complete air support to overthrow a country that has large oil reserves…” Ah, but we -do- think it was the Chinese who said “May you live in interesting times”.

Speaking of interesting, I learned the Cyrillic (Russian) alphabet, and in all my years, don’t have a single recollection of seeing it used in the US. The other day though, I’m driving of the freeway, and saw this sign on the back of a semi. I would have to jump through a few hoops to figure out what it says, but I tell you of a certainty that that one line is Cyrillic. Russia, Ukraine, Maldova, and other countries use that alphabet, so I don’t know who it’s directed to.hiring_1Here’s a couple pictures of cool old emblems on wood working equipment.DM_manfAutoNSpeaking of interesting times, I had a strange thought the other day, maybe they’re already doing this: Let’s say there’s a song you like, or you like the sound of it anyway. The vocalist is great, the music is moving, but the lyrics. Man, I’m just not in the mood for that tone right now. So the solution is that the artist records the song with several different messages. That way, you get to download the one that fits your agenda. You heard it here first.

The Frog Loses His Mind…

No doubt you’ve heard about the frog in water that’s slowly heated. By the time the frog realizes that he’s in peril, it’s too late, and he dies in the same water. If the US was going irrational to the point of clinical delusion, would it happen so slowly that it was difficult to observe? Worse, probably, would it be if the sane became the same by being in close proximity. The Bible says that bad company corrupts good behavior.

I’m referring to the loss of truth. Without truth, there is no non-contradiction, there is no rationality. I suppose it starts with being told what to think, rather than how to think. If that -what- is a lie, the masses have irrationality as a foundation of their thought processes.  Below is a perfect picture to illustrate how it manifests in the US. My brother in law was at the UT campus, holding a picture of a pre-born baby after an abortion. The other man is trying to block people from seeing the picture. The blocker gave up after awhile; but while he was in action, he did the pro life side a favor by attracting attention to the cause.

But that’s not the whole point. It’s bigger than that. If America has no regard for truth, we are incapable of knowing how to fix problems, we are defenseless. Literally defenseless as we have been robbed by unnecessary spending, conditioned to have automatic schisms between generations, sold an unhealthy diet, and cannot recognize the dangers in wholesale consumption of violent entertainment and p0rnography. We gladly embrace immigrants who wish us harm. That’s the beginning of the list.

Some think of the horror of abortion as a cause of problems; that God will judge us for this. I see it as an effect that can become a problem. It is the effect of a conquered people, it’s so bad now that we advance our conquered state on the defenseless. If they aren’t killed in the womb, we already spent their future.

The second picture is a smaller version of one I made for pro life signs. The 12 week model was loaned to me by the Sevier County Right To Life group. Here’s A LINK to a larger version. You have my permission to use it for pro life causes, in any way you wish.abort_block12weeksF3b

Missed a few pictures…

I thought I had included more of these recent pictures in the last post; but I guess I needed to go to bed so badly that I omitted them. Anyway, the first picture is of several tools that were given to me yesterday. I got the impression that they gave them to me because they thought I would preserve them. Right they are, restore actually. What you’re seeing are two benches, the first one wood, the second one steel. The first one has an old school bench grinder on it. In those days, the motor and grinder were separate, a v-belt was used to drive it. The second bench has a large electric motor on the bottom shelf. There are two tools powered by it. Closest to the gold van is a table saw, opposite it is a jointer. A jointer is like a mini planer, it makes the side of a board straight, so that multiple boards can be arranged next to each other without gaps between them. These are very well made tools; I think with a nwe electric cord, they would function right now. But I want to do a better job.

The progress will probably be recorded on my restoration blog:


TableSaw1Below are a couple of attempts at getting a picture of the moon coming up behind trees on a ridge. In one of them, you can see a shadow of my 1951 Chevy truck; cast by the porch light.moonTree4 moonTree1oldMG_1Lastly, is the old MG. I like to get pictures  from very perpendicular angles. that way, if I ever make a vector file of the vehicle, I have angles that preserve the most information. There is always a certain amount of perspective distortion, but this is pretty good. I have more pictures form other sides of the car, and the dash, along with the emblem.

Once in a great while, I see hoe made hand lettering that is noteworthy. Below is such a case. This sign was at Bays Mountain Saddle Club in Seymour Tn. The first book I read about lettering said that each letter style conveys an emotion. So it is with this lettering. It doesn’t comply with some of the rules of typography, but it has a very joyous feel. It would be worth making a font based on this.no_horses