No doubt you’ve heard about the frog in water that’s slowly heated. By the time the frog realizes that he’s in peril, it’s too late, and he dies in the same water. If the US was going irrational to the point of clinical delusion, would it happen so slowly that it was difficult to observe? Worse, probably, would it be if the sane became the same by being in close proximity. The Bible says that bad company corrupts good behavior.
I’m referring to the loss of truth. Without truth, there is no non-contradiction, there is no rationality. I suppose it starts with being told what to think, rather than how to think. If that -what- is a lie, the masses have irrationality as a foundation of their thought processes. Below is a perfect picture to illustrate how it manifests in the US. My brother in law was at the UT campus, holding a picture of a pre-born baby after an abortion. The other man is trying to block people from seeing the picture. The blocker gave up after awhile; but while he was in action, he did the pro life side a favor by attracting attention to the cause.
But that’s not the whole point. It’s bigger than that. If America has no regard for truth, we are incapable of knowing how to fix problems, we are defenseless. Literally defenseless as we have been robbed by unnecessary spending, conditioned to have automatic schisms between generations, sold an unhealthy diet, and cannot recognize the dangers in wholesale consumption of violent entertainment and p0rnography. We gladly embrace immigrants who wish us harm. That’s the beginning of the list.
Some think of the horror of abortion as a cause of problems; that God will judge us for this. I see it as an effect that can become a problem. It is the effect of a conquered people, it’s so bad now that we advance our conquered state on the defenseless. If they aren’t killed in the womb, we already spent their future.
The second picture is a smaller version of one I made for pro life signs. The 12 week model was loaned to me by the Sevier County Right To Life group. Here’s A LINK to a larger version. You have my permission to use it for pro life causes, in any way you wish.