Better organized, & pictures

I’ve been making a push to be better organized, and it’s working. I want to contemplate the essence of information flow regarding notes and lists; but for now i just have a few tips. I carry around a box everywhere i go, I tried plastic, but when I saw this metal one, I knew it was much better. In the picture, it’s the bigger one. Beside it on the floor is what I previously used as an insert in the big one. It was a disk brake pads box, with black duct tape around it. That lasted 6 months or more, but when I saw the metal bread pan, I knew it was better.

The small bin carries pens, pencils, business cards, sharpies, and often the phone. the bigger bin carries stuff I often use, and stuff I always want to have with me, even if I don’t use it everyday. Stuff like aspirin, card readers, magnifying glass. It also has stuff I use all the time, like phone charger, headband flashlights, spare batteries, data cables, flash drives, and utility knife. bins  Other people probably have other ways of keeping their stuff nearby; but this is how I do it. Below is my old notebook, and my new one. For years, I used the spiral bound notebooks, but when they started making the perforated edges, I dropped it. This artist’s sketch book works better for me. One reason is that the lack of lines makes for freedom of thought. My work always involves making sketches anyway, not just writing down notes. The breakthrough now is that I’m starting a new notebook, this one for more permanent ideas, or long term ones, anyway. The first ones has notes about jobs in progress, and chores I need to do. The second one is for lists. Lists of ways I waste time. Lists of things I can do with and teach the kids. there are a number of lists, and it’s inspiring knowing that it’s basically a book of improvements.noteBookHere’s a picture of a mural a guy is painting on the side of Jerry’s art arama, an artist’s supply place. I love the work; and part of me wants to do the same. But I remember seeing the guy there months ago when he started. I’m sure the weather has interfered, and other tasks; but I wonder how much he’s being paid. Low pay can take the fun out of a project fast. I can do free projects on the weekends, but not during the week. muralHere’s a recent full moon, i like this picture.moon_full_2Here’s a picture of cars driving down the street in front of our house at sunset.lights_sunsetHere’s a closeup of a moth, and the same moth farther back.moth_pttrn_2moth_scaleHere’s a strange thing; I don’t know whether the leaf grows these green things, or if they’re a parasitic thing.DSCN4302I was at an antique type of place; and saw this boat tie down thing.  Judging by the size of the coke machine in the background, that was some big boat, I guess.DSCN4040Lastly, I saw this glue on a wall, and offered what I thought was a cool solution: I would mix up paint that matches the bricks, and simply paint over the glue. It would be a lot less work and expense than removing the glue, and people wouldn’t see it.

Their response was that the city didn’t allow them to put the letters there, but the glue still worked as a sign; so no, they did not want it covered up.wall_lttr


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